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GOA Personal Excellence Assessment (PEX)
GOA PEX is a freeware application of the GOA-WorkBench® product family.
The underlying concept of this application is based on the methodical approaches of the Excellence Models from CAF and EFQM and helps you to determine your own status regarding your personal development on the way to a good work-life-flow.

The Personal Excellence Assessment was developed in 2008 as part of the EU project BITTMAS and revised in 2022 with reference to the EFQM 7-criteria model.

The content of the questionnaires was updated in close cooperation between IBK and Bruno Birri, who has been offering his coaching programme "PEX Personal Excellence Development" offline and independently of IBK since 2004.

The PEX Assessment Software is available both at IBK (http://www.ibk.eu), and as part of Bruno Birri's Coaching «Personal Excellence Development» (https://www.brunobirri.ch/pex).
© IBK Management Solutions GmbH (1999-2022), GOA Personal Excellence Assessment (PEX) (